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Policy Register

This Register provides details about Council Policies. In this regard, a “Policy” is a document which is:

    required or allowed by legislation to be determined by resolution of Council;
  • broad statement of objectives, protocols or principles in relation to specific activities/issues of Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council;
  • collection of rules, regulations, codes and standards relating to a particular subject and designed to provide guidance to Council staff and external parties about how business is done with Council, the merits of which require it to be determined by resolution of Council.

NamePolicy DetailsPolicy TypeAdoptedNext Review 
Planning and Design Code - Phase 3 Working Draft

The Online Code sets out the Planning and Design Code under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

The Planning and Design Code sets out a comprehensive set of policies, rules and classifications as it applies to LNWCA for the purposes of development assessment and related matters within the State.

This current version of the Online Code only comprises the provisions relating to Land Not Within A Council Area (LNWCA) and is only accessible to DPTI staff.

Planning (Plan)31/07/2020 
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